
People Are Like Lollipops

by Annie Fox, illustrated by Brian Narelle

There was once an old man with great wisdom who lived in the Land of Salizar . . .

The wise man discovered the key to getting along with other people, no matter how different they may seem. He’s happy to tell you the secret! (Ages 3-7)

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There was once an old man with great wisdom who lived in the Land of Salizar . . .

When children first start school, they begin to notice that all people don't all look, or dress, or talk alike. With simple words and delightful illustrations that shine a light on those differences, People Are Like Lollipops helps kids understand that in spite of all these superficial differences, when it comes right down to it, all people are just people. And that's something to smile about!

People Are Like Lollipops features Read-It-To-Me audio narration and music (included in the iBook edition for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or available as a free MP3 download for the Kindle and print editions).

About the Book

Annie Fox originally wrote and illustrated People Are Like Lollipops when she was Ann Larris, an undergraduate at Cornell University. Published in 1971 by Holiday House at a time when people were just beginning to celebrate diversity, People Are Like Lollipops was read several times on the Captain Kangaroo Show (by the Captain himself!). With Annie’s blessing (“I’m not an artist!”), Electric Eggplant is thrilled to publish this reimagined edition complete with Brian Narelle’s whimsical illustrations.


This free excerpt of People Are Like Lollipops, includes the first few pages and the credits. Read it here, download it to your computer or ereader, or forward it to friends. You can also view it here on Aerbook.com or if you have an iPad/iPhone/iPod touch, grab the free Read Aloud iBook sample.

Read the People Are Like Lollipops excerpt to me now!


“What a great example for kids to relate to, comprehend, and understand differences in a lollipop way!”

—Rebecca Moore, School Counselor

“My children love lollipops, and we have enjoyed the lollipop story and now they are singing ‘People are like lollipops!’ This is great!”

—Catherine Gakii Murungi, Ph.D.

“This book helps to foster the beginning of understanding, acceptance, and love for all, no matter the color, size, ethnic background, etc.”

—Amber Chapman, Family Matters with Amber

“What a wonderful comparison that children of all ages can relate to in terms of our differences!”

—Kristi Rice

“… a wonderful job of explaining how we are all different and yet all the same!”

—Beth Panageotou, Early Childhood Educator
CEO Page’s Corner

“… a delicate way to teach empathy and tolerance for all cultures.”

—Paige Peters, Eco Mom

“Wonderful story about diversity and acceptance in a way so easily understood that I’m surprised this isn’t already a well-known simile!”

—D. Ryan Leask, author of Counting Down the Storm

“I will never look at a lollipop the same way again—and neither will my children!  A fun and easy read with a great message that is as important as ever.”

—Dawn Lyons, Teen Success Consultant at LinesByLyons.com

“… a wonderful way to introduce diversity to a child before they start school.”

—Jan Clifton, author/illustrator of Drabsville

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